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We have been given the amazing opportunity of selling our Otto’s Ski Shop Nordic gear through Foster Outdoor in Portland. Beginning, possibly by the coming weekend, Foster Outdoor will have a large selection of our back country and touring gear; skis, boots, poles, and bindings, both new and used, for sale. They will also be carrying our new and used snowshoes that we still have in inventory.

Their address is: 6615 SE Foster Rd, Portland, OR 9206 and their phone number is: 503.327.8463

I’m working with the owners to obtain a special discount for those of you who have been my Otto’s customers over the years. When the details are worked out later this week we will post a coupon or a password. Andreanne will retain quite a selection of in-track and skate skis in her storage units in Sandy and continue her charming backyard sales, complete with pickles and coffee! We are so excited to begin this adventure and hope you are too. Call the Otto’s number if you want to talk in-person about further details from 9-5 at 503-668-5947. Leave a message and Andreanne will get back to you as soon as possible.